Volvo Penta

  • Founded in 1907
  • mechanical or industrial engineering
  • sweden, sweden

Volvo Penta Information

volvo penta is a world-leading supplier of engines and complete power systems for marine and industrial applications.\\volvo penta has wholly owned plants in vara, sweden, for production of 3-, 4- and 5-litre diesel engines and in lexington, tennessee, usa, for production of all gasoline engines.

Volvo Penta Industries

mechanical or industrial engineering

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Volvo Penta Employees

  • christian wallin, area sales manager
  • juan gomez, responsable de ventas de la division de motores profesionales
  • vishen moodley, sales engineer volvo penta
  • jaquline norberg, teamleader
  • thomas eckel, application enigneer

Volvo Penta's website

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