t. b. harris, jr. & associates inc. is a commercial real estate appraisal and consulting firm in charlotte, nc. while we specialize in providing real property appraisals and consulting, our team can serve your organization in a number of additional ways including commercial appraisals, real estate consulting, real property legal matters and litigation and tax appeal advisory. \\t.b. harris, jr. & associates was formed in 1979 for the purpose of providing professional real property appraising and consulting services. since 1973, thomas b. harris, jr., mai, cre®, frics has been involved in many facets of the real estate business, serving some of the nation's largest financial institutions, as well as nationally known development companies, public and private corporations, and governments. t.b. harris, jr. & associates inc. includes six appraisers, two registered trainees, and a support staff of two.
real estate