north shore technologies is a low voltage systems integration company located in northeast ohio. we specialize with the design, installation & maintenance of all phone, data, audio & video low voltage systems for both residential & business customers in northeast ohio.\\structured phone, data, audio & video cabling, cat3, cat5, cat5e, cat6 & fiber optic certified cabling, avaya ip office phone system installation & maintenance, nortel phone system repair & maintenance, voip & hosted voip phone systems, carrier & network services: local telephone service, long distance, sip & pri trunks, internet access, mpls, t-1, ethernet. music & message on-hold systems, security camera monitoring systems, door access control systems, bogen & valcom overhead paging systems, conference room audio & video systems integration, hdtv & home theater systems design & installation, whole house audio, whole house intercom, whole house ethernet & wifi distribution.
information technology & services