Magnum Contracting LLC

  • Founded in 2002
  • construction
  • united states, united states

Magnum Contracting LLC Information

magnum contracting is a georgia based land development contractor focused on all aspects of land development, including - land clearing, demolition, grading, underground utilities, curbing, and paving. the company was established in 2002 to provide developers with a choice and opportunity to hire a firm whose ultimate goal is to maximize communications while stressing safety, quality and productivity.

Magnum Contracting LLC Industries


Magnum Contracting LLC Financial Metrics


Magnum Contracting LLC Employees

  • sandi smitley, accountant
  • mike klett, utilities foreman
  • steven mulkey, grading foreman

Magnum Contracting LLC's website

Website Metrics

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Top Country:
united states

Magnum Contracting LLC's branches