Kelly & Visconsi Associates, LLC

  • Founded in 1996
  • real estate
  • united states, united states

Kelly & Visconsi Associates, LLC Information

local commercial retail real estate experts\\this is what clients enjoy with kelly & visconsi associates. we understand today's complex nature of a brand's retail market share goals with respect to competition in the northeast ohio local retail market.\\kelly & visconsi is northeast ohio's commercial retail real estate expert, specializing in retail tenant representation for large box users, specialty tenants, and restaurant users.\\our areas of expertise include: leasing of shopping centers and freestanding retail buildings, as well as sale leasebacks, and land acquisition and disposition.\\we provide a complete custom approach for our clients, from market analysis, site and location, selection, innovative and effective property marketing strategies, to smarter lease negotiation or re-negotiation for owners, tenants, investors, and developers.

Kelly & Visconsi Associates, LLC Industries

real estate

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