ITSI Gilbane Company

  • Founded in 1994
  • construction
  • united states, united states

ITSI Gilbane Company Information

itsi gilbane, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the gilbane building company, provides innovative solutions and services for global construction, environmental, fuels, and energy in support of federal government clients. with over 60 offices worldwide and 2,800 multidisciplinary personnel, we're able to rapidly mobilize anywhere in the world. itsi gilbane executes projects of any size including work in remote, hostile, and austere locations.

ITSI Gilbane Company Industries


ITSI Gilbane Company Financial Metrics


ITSI Gilbane Company Employees

  • patricia vukovich, project technical support assistant
  • jaime mckiel, billing specialist
  • anthony penaredonda, quality control engineer
  • rogerio leong, project manager
  • tej singh, executive vice president

ITSI Gilbane Company's website

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united states