eliot community human services is a non-profit human services agency dedicated to enhancing the quality of lives of people in need. the philosophical foundation of eliot is our commitment to serving the most vulnerable of populations, those who are most at risk and have limited or no resources to access help. the programs within the eliot network provide a continuum of care to a varied and diverse population. we strive to provide high quality, innovative services to people residing in their communities. with a multidisciplinary staff of over 1,700 full and part-time professionals, today our network spans the entire commonwealth, with over 120 programs that serve approximately 35,000 children, adults and families each year. \\our services\eliot provides a comprehensive and diverse range of community based services for individuals and families of all ages in the areas of mental health, developmental disabilities, early intervention, counseling, substance abuse and youth programming. our continuum of services includes diagnostic evaluation, twenty-four hour emergency services, crisis stabilization, substance abuse services, individual, group and family outpatient counseling, in-home therapy for children, early intervention, specialized psychological testing, day, residential, social and vocational programs for children and adults with mental illness, brain injury and developmental delays and community support services for children, families and adults.
hospital & health care