DVC Company

  • electrical/electronic manufacturing
  • united states, united states

DVC Company Information

dvc company solves scientific imaging problems by leveraging its knowledge base and its modular hardware and software platform. our solutions take the form of low-noise cameras that deliver quantitative data under challenging conditions.\\applications for our products include: \\* pharamceutical drug discovery\* high content screening\* fluorescence microscopy\* electron microscopy\* materials science\* machine vision and inspection

DVC Company Industries

electrical/electronic manufacturing

DVC Company Financial Metrics


DVC Company Employees

  • lakshman rajak, teacher
  • pratap raha, jr.engineer(mech)
  • mantu kumar, engineer
  • prasanta garai, pharmacy
  • patrick hendricks, ceo

DVC Company's website

Website Metrics

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Top Country:
united states