csi compressco lp (nasdaq: cclp) is a provider of compression services and equipment for natural gas and oil production, gathering, transportation, processing, and storage. csi compressco's compression and related services business includes a fleet of over 6,000 compressor packages providing in excess of 1.0 million in aggregate horsepower, utilizing a full spectrum of low-, medium-, and high-horsepower engines. csi compressco's equipment and parts sales business includes the fabrication and sale of standard compressor packages, custom-designed compressor packages, and oilfield fluid pump systems designed and fabricated primarily at our facilities in midland, texas and oklahoma city, oklahoma, as well as the sale of compressor package parts and components manufactured by third-party suppliers.\\csi compressco's aftermarket services business provides compressor package reconfiguration and maintenance services. csi compressco's customers comprise a broad base of natural gas and oil exploration and production, mid-stream, transmission, and storage companies operating throughout many of the onshore producing regions of the united states as well as in a number of foreign countries, including mexico, canada, and argentina. csi compressco is managed by csi compressco gp inc., which is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of tetra technologies, inc. (nyse: tti).\
oil & energy