City Of Hamilton

  • government administration
  • canada, canada

City Of Hamilton Information

our vision: to be the best place to raise a child and age successfully.\\our mission: to provide high quality cost conscious public services that contribute to a healthy, safe and prosperous community, in a sustainable manner.\\our culture: collective ownership, steadfast integrity, courageous change, sensational service and engaged empowered employees.\\our priorities:\\community engagement & participation\hamilton has an open, transparent and accessible approach to city government that engages with and empowers all citizens to be involved in their community.\\economic prosperity & growth \hamilton has a prosperous and diverse local economy where people have opportunities to grow and develop.\\healthy and safe communities\hamilton is a safe and supportive city where people are active, healthy, and have a high quality of life.\\clean and green\hamilton is environmentally sustainable with a healthy balance of natural and urban spaces.\\built environment and infrastructure\hamilton is supported by state of the art infrastructure, transportation options, buildings and public spaces that create a dynamic city.\\culture and diversity\hamilton is a thriving, vibrant place for arts, culture, and heritage where diversity and inclusivity are embraced and celebrated.\\our people and performance\hamiltonians have a high level of trust and confidence in their city government.\\learn more about the city of hamilton's 2016-2025 strategic plan here:\

City Of Hamilton Industries

government administration

City Of Hamilton Financial Metrics


City Of Hamilton Employees

  • ashley vanderlaan, manager, surveillance unit, planning & business improvement, public health services
  • rob conti, firefighter acting captain
  • rob burwash, director, employee health and labour relations
  • tarndeep dhesi, financial assistant 1
  • linda dalgleish, public health nurse

City Of Hamilton's website

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City Of Hamilton's branches