city5 consulting is the most trusted real estate consulting source for property owners, developers, and management firms in new york city. we navigate our clients through the complex regulations providing unparalleled clarity while granting them the ability to transact effortlessly and with confidence. our team strives to continuously elevate the client-consultant experience.\\new york state dhcr / rent stabilization:\\high rent vacancy deregulations ad proceedings\substantial rehabilitation deregulations ad proceedings\high-rent high-income deregulation ad proceedings\annual rent registrations\annual rent registration amendments\defend overcharge complaints\par filing\mci (major capital improvements)\mbr\foil requests\defend harassment complaints\tpu audits\due diligence\application for service changes\vacancy decontrol application\\violation consulting:\\ecb appearances for violations issued by dob, dot, dsny, dep, fdny\removal of dob violations\removal of stop work orders\removal of ub (unsafe building) violations\removal vacate orders\certificate of corrections (coc)\vacating and restoring default judgments\ecb settlements\submission of hpd dismissal requests\hpd judgment settlements\letter of no objection\laa\civil penalty waivers and refunds\hpd inspections\hpd building registrations\lp removal / dismissal \aep program resolution\ppi program resolution\\tax department:\\j-51 421-a tax abatement filings\\landlord tenant consulting:
real estate