American Portfolios

American Portfolios Information

american portfolios financial services, inc. (apfs) is a full-service broker/dealer and registered finra/sipc member firm, whose primary mission is to provide the best business solutions, support and services that its finanical professionals require to achieve financial freedom for their clients. the firm currently has more than 800 independent investment professionals located in over 360 branch locations throughout the nation. \ \apfs has created a decidedly competitive presence in the industry as one of the top 50 independent broker/dealers in the country.* the firm offers a full range of: 1) non-proprietary investment products, 2) personal services such as insurance planning, retirement, estate and college planning, 3) full service securities brokerage through its clearing relationship with pershing, llc, a bny mellon firm and 4) fee based asset management services through parent company subsidiary, american portfolios advisors, inc. (apa), an sec registered investment advisor.

American Portfolios Industries


American Portfolios Financial Metrics


American Portfolios Employees

  • gerri-ann friedman, corporate communications coordinator
  • chris levi, investment advisor representative
  • victoria brialmont, financial advisor
  • james mcpartlan, investment manager
  • gerard nizich, certified financial planner

American Portfolios's website

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united states